Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh HoW i MisS YoU

Dear Dagnar,
I love you SO much. I miss you with all my heart and soul. I miss the way you'd greet me when i'd come home from work. I miss you crawling into the fridge every time i opened it. I miss feeding you pepperonis and fruit loops. I miss you attacking me whenever i sat on the couch. I miss when you jumped on me with both arms and legs wrapped around my head and knocked my glasses off. I miss watching you eat crickets. I miss you pooping in the litter boxes when i was trying to clean it out. I miss you attacking my feet from underneath the bed. I miss you following me around EVERYWHERE. I miss you sitting by the toilet whenever i went to the bathroom. I miss you waiting by the bedroom door in the morning for me to open it. I miss you sleeping on my face in the middle of the night. I miss you biting through erics xbox headset and cell phone charger. I miss you running on the side of the couch like you were in the matrix. I miss the way you smell. And miss you climbing up on my chest when i was on the computer or watching tv and rubbing your head against my neck. And i miss you biting my neck to let me know how much you loved me. I miss you jumping on my back and hanging there...even though it really hurt. I miss you chasing lily around the house. I miss you dragging trash into the house. I miss you attacking me while i did pilates. I miss the way you'd play with our shoes and stick your head inside them. I miss wiping your little butt. I miss picking the sleepies out of your eyes. I miss when you'd slap bailey in the face. I miss when youd follow us out to the car and hop in and come with us while we ran errands. I miss when we accidently locked you and the keys in the car. I miss sharing Eric's energy drinks with him. I miss when your teeth would get caught on your collar. I miss when you'd sleep in the laundry. i miss when you'd hang on walls and trees. I miss you sitting on the porch in the sun for hours. I miss you SOOOO much it HURTS. Me and Eric love you baby!! You were the bestest baby in the whole world! xoxoxoxoooxoox. Thanks for making us so happy.

Your Mommy and Daddy


cat+tadd=sam said...

Such a sad post! Poor little Dagger!

Alexis Treese said...

I totally cried reading this because I know how amazing pets are and how they love you and need you no matter WHAT. And how attached you can get to them. I am so sorry to hear about Dagger. I hope you guys feel better. PS All Cats go to Heaven